Loss of supervision on Honeywell Carbon Monoxide detector
If a 5800CO detector is showing a loss of supervision, this means that for whatever reason, the sensor is not being monitored by the alarm panel. To ensure that the sensor is being monitored properly, perform the following troubleshooting steps.
- Perform a Walk Test on the sensor. If the sensor trips on the panel, it is being monitored. If not further troubleshooting will be required.
- If this sensor has a history of low battery, the battery may have died completely, and is no longer being monitored as it no longer has power. If this is the case replace the battery in the sensor. If you do not know how to do this read the "How to change the battery in the Honeywell Carbon Monoxide detecor" article.
- Ensure that the sensor is within range of the panel. It needs to be within 150 feet of the panel, with minimal interference, (walls, doors, etc.) If signal strength is the issue, you can confirm that by performing a Go no Go test.
- If none of these reasons explain the loss of supervision of the sensor, you will need to contact our Technical Support department for assistance.
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